
Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Comparison text


            Pascal programming language is similar to C programming language. Both Pascal and C are programming language which is included in high level programming language. Pascal programming language is one of programming language which is oriented to structural programming language. Like Pascal, C programming language is one of programming language which is oriented to it. Some people who know these programming languages always call it with procedural programming language, because both of them have the basic structure which is the important thing of the program. Moreover, Pascal and C are programming language which born from the oldest one of programming language. It was born from ALGOL (Algorithmic Language) programming language.
            Both Pascal and C have the function structure like if and else condition; switch and case condition; while, while-do, and for which are included in loop condition. Both of them have the execution from the program. The executions of these programs are known as .exe in the computer. While Pascal has three file to make the execution of the program and C just has one file to make it, but the executions are same. However, Pascal and C programming language are the famous structural programming language on the world.


Even if it too long for me to describe it to you,
Even if it too hard for me to make it come true,
I’ll try my best …

Even if it will be on a thousand years,
Even if it will break like this teardrops,
I’ll try again …

Although you want break this again,
Although you will go away from me again,
This heart is still for you …

This is not some pieces of my appointments,
This is not some of my dreams,
But, this is true from me to you …

Created by : Fernalia

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Selasa, 07 Mei 2013


One day, when the rain came onto this cheek, this ache so full around my heart. I remembered the moment I was so happy with this, but till now it has made me pain.

One day, when the rain came into this heart, the memories was going somewhere where can’t I break it till now and it has made me full around of pain about you.

One day, when the rain came and this teardrops was making me so clumsy. I has known that you have been in love again. However, I couldn’t find it, I couldn’t find it as long as you found it…

One day, when the rain came and made me so awkward there. I was still by my self. Hope I could forget you …

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